Stocks, Finance and Crypto News

Explore the best performing stocks of July 05, 2024, in the stock market

Stock markets are dynamic entities, influenced by a myriad of factors ranging from economic indicators to company-specific news. Monitoring the best-performing stocks can provide insights into market trends and investor sentiment. This article highlights the best performing stocks of the day, focusing on BEML, Data Patterns, and other notable gainers. We will delve into the sectors they belong to, their latest trading prices, percentage changes, and the factors driving their impressive performances.

Top Performing Stocks

1.  BEML (Bharat Earth Movers Limited)

 Sector: Infrastructure General

 Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹5,433.55

 Change: ₹778.05

 Percentage Change: 16.71%

BEML led the pack with a staggering 16.71% increase in its stock price. This surge can be attributed to recent contract wins, government policy announcements favoring infrastructure development, or better-than-expected quarterly earnings. BEML, a key player in the infrastructure sector, benefits from its diversified portfolio, which includes manufacturing heavy equipment for mining, construction, and defense.

2.  Data Patterns

Sector: Aerospace & Defence

Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹3,511.50

Change: ₹331.80

Percentage Change: 10.43%

Data Patterns, a prominent aerospace and defense company, saw a significant 10.43% rise in its stock price. It is one of the best performing stocks of the day. This increase is likely driven by new defense contracts, advancements in their technology, or favorable government policies. As a company specializing in electronic systems for the defense sector, Data Patterns benefits from the increasing defense budget and the push for indigenization in defense manufacturing

3. Raymond

Sector: Textiles  Woollen & Worsted

Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹3,204.90

Change: ₹264.85

Percentage Change: 9.01%

Raymond, a well-known name in the textiles sector, experienced a 9.01% increase in its stock price. This could be due to strong financial results, new product launches, or strategic expansions. Raymond’s position as a leader in the woolen and worsted textiles market makes it a favored choice for investors looking for stable and profitable companies in the sector.

4. Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL)

Sector: Miscellaneous

Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹452.20

Change: ₹33.45

Percentage Change: 7.99%

RVNL, involved in railway infrastructure development, saw its stock price rise by 7.99%. It is one of the best performing stocks of the day. Factors contributing to this performance could include the award of new contracts, progress in ongoing projects, or government initiatives aimed at enhancing rail infrastructure. As a government enterprise, RVNL benefits from the steady inflow of projects and funding

5. Cochin Shipyard

 Sector: Ship Building

 Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹2,870.35

 Change: ₹190.40

 Percentage Change: 7.10%

Cochin Shipyard, a major player in the shipbuilding sector, recorded a 7.10% increase in its stock price. This could be due to new shipbuilding orders, progress in existing projects, or favorable market conditions in the shipping industry. Cochin Shipyard’s strategic importance in India’s maritime infrastructure positions it well for sustained growth.

6.  Swan Energy

Sector: Trading

Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹659.65

Change: ₹31.40

Percentage Change: 5.00%

Swan Energy, active in the trading sector, saw its stock price increase by 5.00%. It is one of the best performing stocks of the day. This rise could be attributed to strategic acquisitions, expansion plans, or favorable market trends. Swan Energy’s diversified business model, which includes real estate and energy, helps mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities across different sectors.

7.  New India Assurance

 Sector: Miscellaneous

 Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹267.60

 Change: ₹11.76

 Percentage Change: 4.60%

New India Assurance, a leading insurance company, experienced a 4.60% increase in its stock price. Positive financial results, new insurance products, or favorable regulatory changes could be driving this performance. As one of the largest public sector insurance companies, New India Assurance is well-positioned to benefit from the growing insurance market in India.

8. Kaynes Technology

Sector: Electronics Components

Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹4,188.05

Change: ₹180.05

Percentage Change: 4.49%

Kaynes Technology, specializing in electronic components, saw its stock price rise by 4.49%. It is one of the best performing stocks of the day. This could be due to new product innovations, expansion into new markets, or strong demand for electronic components. As the electronics industry continues to grow, Kaynes Technology is well-placed to capitalize on increasing demand.

9. Ircon International

Sector: Engineering Heavy

Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹291.60

Change: ₹11.85

Percentage Change: 4.24%

Ircon International, involved in heavy engineering projects, recorded a 4.24% increase in its stock price. This rise could be driven by new project wins, progress in existing projects, or favorable government policies. As a major player in infrastructure development, Ircon International benefits from the government’s focus on enhancing infrastructure

10.  Bharat Dynamics

 Sector: Defence

 Last Traded Price (LTP): ₹1,755.00

 Change: ₹71.10

 Percentage Change: 4.22%

Bharat Dynamics, a key player in the defense sector, saw its stock price increase by 4.22%. This could be due to new defense contracts, advancements in missile technology, or favorable government policies. Bharat Dynamics’ strategic importance in India’s defense manufacturing makes it a critical player in the defense sector.


The best-performing stocks of the day, led by BEML, Data Patterns, and others, demonstrate the dynamic nature of the stock market and the myriad factors that influence stock performance. From infrastructure and defense to textiles and electronics, these companies’ impressive gains reflect their strategic positioning, operational excellence, and favorable market conditions. Investors should keep an eye on these companies as they continue to leverage their strengths and capitalize on market opportunities. As always, thorough research and understanding of market dynamics are essential for making informed investment decisions.


Harshini Chakka is an experienced content writer specializing in disruptive technologies such as AI, Big Data, Data Science, and Cryptocurrency. With an ability to craft compelling articles and press releases, she also excels in crypto price analysis, topic research, and keyword research. Her insightful writing illuminates complex tech trends, making them accessible to a broad audience.

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