Stocks, Finance and Crypto News

Breaking News: Mehen CEO Announces USDM Stablecoin Retail Launch!

Mehen Finance, a leading participant in the cryptocurrency industry, is nearing a critical milestone: the public launch of its fiat-backed stablecoin, USDM, on Cardano’s platform. This is a significant shift as USDM, which was previously solely available to institutional customers, prepares for a wider retail release in April.

The Origins of USDM

USDM’s journey began with Mehen Finance’s ambition of developing a stablecoin that not only met industry requirements but also included new features. USDM, unlike several stablecoins, has a unique system in place to prevent excessive minting. USDM guarantees real-time transparency and avoids over-issuance by immediately reporting its reserves to Charli3, a decentralized oracle on the Cardano network, hence increasing the token’s stability and confidence.

The Retail Rollout

The retail release of the USDM stablecoin, which Matthew Plomin, Founding Partner at Mehen Financing, anticipates in April, is a big step forward in the accessibility of decentralized financing (DeFi). Unlike stablecoins like USDC and USDT, USDM has the distinct attribute of not being frozen on-chain, which promotes decentralization. However, this functionality raises regulatory worries about the possible suspension of USDM bank accounts.

To address these issues, Mehen Finance closely conforms to regulatory norms and has a visible reserve, reducing the risks connected with regulatory proceedings. This method not only assures compliance but also builds confidence among users. The retail launch of USDM is intended to open up new options for stablecoin users, allowing them to engage in DeFi apps and promoting wider adoption. Overall, USDM’s resistance to being frozen on-chain, combined with Mehen Finance’s commitment to regulatory compliance and transparency, positions USDM as a stablecoin with significant potential in the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.

Regulatory Compliance and Expansion

Mehen, a blockchain-based gaming platform, has made great progress in regulatory compliance and worldwide development. The firm has proactively obtained license permissions from 17 US states, demonstrating its dedication to regulatory compliance. Furthermore, Mehen intends to gain further licenses in Europe and the United Kingdom, strengthening its market position and opening the route for worldwide adoption of its native cryptocurrency, USDM.

One of the primary techniques Mehen is using to generate funding is crowdfunded equity raising, which differs from regular token sales. This method not only broadens investment prospects but also reflects Mehen’s dedication to openness and regulatory compliance. By opting for this method, Mehen aims to engage a broader investor base and build trust among its community.

Mehen’s focus on regulatory compliance and transparency reflects its dedication to building a sustainable and reputable platform in the gaming industry. By securing licensing approvals and adopting innovative fundraising methods, Mehen is setting new standards for regulatory compliance and expansion in the gaming industry. This proactive approach not only benefits Mehen but also contributes to the overall growth and legitimacy of the blockchain gaming sector.


As Mehen Finance prepares for the public release of USDM to retail users, the cryptocurrency community eagerly anticipates the impact of this stablecoin on the broader ecosystem. With its innovative features, commitment to transparency, and regulatory compliance, USDM is poised to become a key player in the stablecoin landscape, offering a stable and transparent alternative to existing options.


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