Stocks, Finance and Crypto News

Giottus crypto exchange boosts portfolio with 43 new tokens, enhancing market accessibility

Crypto News: Giottus crypto exchange in India has significantly expanded its offerings by introducing 43 new tokens to its platform. This expansion marks a strategic move by Giottus to cater to the evolving demands of its user base, which reportedly exceeds one million users.

The new tokens span across various categories including decentralized finance (DeFi), real world assets (RWA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and even memecoins, reflecting a diversified approach to crypto investments.

The decision to add these tokens comes after rigorous due diligence conducted by Giottus crypto exchange. The exchange prioritized factors such as asset quality, reliability, fundamental strength, and market performance to ensure that the listed tokens meet robust standards.

This careful selection process aims to provide users with a curated selection of assets that are not only promising in terms of innovation but also align with sustainable market practices.

In response to the burgeoning trend of new tokens entering the market, the Bharat Web3 Association (BWA) recently introduced self-regulatory guidelines tailored for crypto exchanges.

These guidelines emphasize the establishment of minimum standards and filtering frameworks for token listings. By adhering to these guidelines, Giottus crypto exchange aims to foster responsible engagement within the crypto ecosystem while maintaining transparency and safeguarding investor interests.

Amidst regulatory developments in India’s crypto sector, Giottus crypto exchange has taken proactive steps to ensure compliance and security for its users. The exchange has registered with India’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and adheres to regulatory standards set by the India Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (i4C).

These measures underscore Giottus’ commitment to operating within the regulatory framework while striving to enhance trust and reliability in the cryptocurrency market.

Looking ahead, Giottus has ambitious goals to further bolster crypto adoption in India. The crypto exchange aims to expand its user base to five million by the end of 2024, leveraging its enhanced portfolio and regulatory compliance efforts.

By broadening access to a diverse array of tokens, Giottus seeks to empower more users to participate in the burgeoning digital economy, thereby contributing to the mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies in the country.

The introduction of 43 new tokens represents a significant milestone for Giottus as it continues to evolve as a key player in India’s crypto landscape.

By responding to user demand with a carefully curated selection of tokens and aligning with industry best practices, Giottus aims to set a benchmark for responsible and sustainable growth in the cryptocurrency market.

As India progresses towards regulating the crypto sector, initiatives like Giottus’ expanded token offerings and adherence to regulatory compliance standards are pivotal in shaping a secure and thriving environment for digital asset trading.

With a focus on innovation, integrity, and user empowerment, Giottus remains poised to lead the charge toward broader crypto adoption and market maturity in India and beyond.


Rachana Saha is an insightful technical content writer specializing in AI, Cryptocurrency, Big Data Analytics, and Robotics. She has expertise in crafting comprehensive blogs, and news articles. Proficient in optimizing content according to SEO guidelines, Rachana ensures user engagement and visibility.

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