Stocks, Finance and Crypto News

French authorities are concerned about the activities of the cryptocurrency platform Bybit

French authorities have a significant concern about Bybit, one of the critical actors in the global digital asset exchange market. Thus, they deemed it necessary to raise the issue right away. The French financial markets watchdog Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) has once again communicated a warning that Bybit is not authorized to provide cryptocurrency services in France, and the platform has been blocked, securing a risk of an investigation or sanction.

The AMF’s Stance

The AMF alert was launched after Bybit, a relevant player, failed to get its DASP (Digital Asset Service Provider) own-branded in France, which is a requirement before any company can offer asset custody services in the country. Consequently, Bybit acted outside French jurisdiction, amounting to a state-related crime. It has been made evident through the regulator’s statements that Bybit has not adhered to French laws in the crypto community. The AMF has also said that it may physically enforce the AMR through instruments such as blocking traffic to the Bybit site in France.

Bybit’s Global Regulatory Challenges

The recent regulatory issues are not the first for Bybit, which could be due to the company’s activities in several countries that attract regulators’ scrutiny. The exchange stepped out from Canada and the United Kingdom before because it was less able to withstand stricter regulation systems in those countries. The SFC of Hong Kong then stated that Bybit was based on its list of unlicensed and warned the public about its operations.

Implications for Investors

The AMF’s warning has become a stern motive for traders as they have to be watchful and steer clear of the dangers of dealing with cryptocurrency platforms. The French regulator has notified all the customers ahead of time. Hence, they make arrangements before cryptocurrency exchange ByBit decides to provide services for an extended period in France and leave the investors without access to their assets.

Bybit’s Response

As of the latest updates, Bybit has yet to respond to the AMF’s warnings publicly. The silence from Bybit raises questions about its plans and how it intends to address the concerns raised by the French regulator.


The situation with Bybit serves as a critical example of the ongoing tension between cryptocurrency platforms and regulatory bodies worldwide. As the crypto market continues to evolve, the need for clear regulatory frameworks and compliance becomes increasingly essential. For Bybit, resolving these issues with French authorities will be crucial for maintaining its operations and protecting its users’ interests.

Investors and users of Bybit in France are advised to stay informed about the developments and take necessary precautions to safeguard their investments. The AMF’s warnings are a clear signal that regulatory compliance cannot be overlooked and that the safety of investors’ assets is a top priority.


Harshini Chakka is an experienced content writer specializing in disruptive technologies such as AI, Big Data, Data Science, and Cryptocurrency. With an ability to craft compelling articles and press releases, she also excels in crypto price analysis, topic research, and keyword research. Her insightful writing illuminates complex tech trends, making them accessible to a broad audience.

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