Stocks, Finance and Crypto News

 Check out the details of Fantasy Top shatters records with US$1.8 million NFT sales

The art world in the digital space has been set alight as Fantasy Top becomes the first NFT project to make a direct debut on the market. This praiseworthy collection has not only been a record-breaker but, as claimed by the creators and curators themselves, a whole new type of success in the digital space over US$1 billion. Record first-day sales totaled 8 million. This is the historical moment in the NFT space as we enter the new market of non-securitized intellectual collections appealing to investors and connoisseurs.

The Unprecedented Surge

The growth rate in sales for Fantasy Top is indicative of impressive growth rates. The collection has been able to gather a total of 8,610 ETH with a record of 2,155 unique buyers and 3,430 sellers in 2018. 13 million. This is not only an opportunity for Fantasy Top but also an indicator of the growing promise that NFTs have to offer.

The Platform Powering the Phenomenon

Blast is a blockchain project that powers the Ethereum layer-2 chain, which is at the core of Fantasy Top. Blur, the creator of the NFT marketplace, owns it. On the day of total sales, the ranking showed that Blast was the fourth rank in the daily blockchain ranking of CryptoSlam, and this was made possible because of Fantasy Top’s performance. This shows how critical it is for blockchain platforms to accompany massive collections with scaling mechanisms to meet the increasing demand and high volume of transactions.

Ethereum’s Dominance

One might think that Fantasy Top would dominate the sales volume; however, the majority of the Ethereum sales volume is still at US$4. 87 million, Taken on the same day. This is a price difference of US$0.3 from the previous day (US$4. 37 million). Ethereum maintains its leading position in the Non-Fungible Token niche.

Other Collections Making Waves

Guild of Guardians Avatars loaded with the same token proved to be another top performer, along with DMarket’s entries among the rest of the collections presented at the show. Guild of Guardians Avatars, which are under Immutable, ranked 19th in sales, recording US$753,306 according to ccg2k sales amount; numbers are comparable with the numbers from the previous day. DMarket, on the Mythos Chain, finished third in the daily NFT sales for January 30 with a decreased amount of US$742,298. They indicate a very fertile market and that many collections and blockchains are clamoring for attention and funds.

The Growing Interest in NFTs

The rise in sales for other collections, such as Azuki, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and the Fantasy Top, can be seen as a sign that more people are investing in NFTs. We can expect further growth in the number of digital assets available and new developments for wealth management and collecting.

The Future of NFTs

The high rate at which Fantasy Top sold within the NFT market represents its nature. Massive innovations in the technology world, coupled with new interfaces, have made this a sector with infinite opportunities. Digital collectibles do not live in a thriving market; they inhabit a frontier where creators and collectors can interact in ways they wouldn’t be able to in the physical world.


Fantasy Top and the NFT Marketplace represent what must be one of the fastest-emerging forms of digital ownership and, indeed, the nature of artistry that characterizes the current world. Not only are the records set today as measures of progress, but more importantly, they show the increasing demand for NFTs. And if one looks into the future, we can see that the intrigue around NFT will only grow further, leading to even more impressive results in this sphere.

In conclusion, the story of Fantasy Top, selling 320 million shares in a record time, is a story of the infusion of technology into innovation and human determination to propel the meaning of art and investment. It’s a history that continues to unfold chapter after chapter, with every chapter being as fascinating as the next.



Harshini Chakka is an experienced content writer specializing in disruptive technologies such as AI, Big Data, Data Science, and Cryptocurrency. With an ability to craft compelling articles and press releases, she also excels in crypto price analysis, topic research, and keyword research. Her insightful writing illuminates complex tech trends, making them accessible to a broad audience.

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